Cross River Gorilla Conservation Programme
The main goal of our Great Apes Conservation Programme is to provide long term security to the populations of the Cross River gorillas and Nigeria-Cameroon chimpanzees and their habitats through community-led conservation.
The programme focusses on several key objectives:
- Monitoring and conservation of the great apes subpopulations through surveys, ranger patrols and research;
- Protection and restoration of rainforest.
- Developing the capacity of local stakeholders (rangers, communities) through training and equipment;
- Develop new protected areas and strengthen their capacity to conserve the Cross River gorillas and Nigeria-Cameroon chimpanzees subpopulations;
- Develop corridors between protected areas with the help of local stakeholders;
- Support the development of sustainable livelihoods through regenerative agriculture and other initiatives;
- Implement an improved environmental education strategy to increase local, national and international awareness on the conservation of these species.
Your support will make a huge difference in the preservation of Cross River gorilla populations and their habitats. With your help, we can continue our important work in monitoring and conserving these critically endangered animals through surveys, ranger patrols, and cutting-edge research.
We are dedicated to protecting and restoring rainforests, and with your contribution, we can expand our efforts to develop the capacity of local stakeholders, such as rangers and communities, through training and equipment. Together, we can develop new protected areas and strengthen their capacity to conserve the Cross River gorillas and Nigeria-Cameroon chimpanzees subpopulations, while also creating vital corridors between protected areas with the help of local stakeholders.
We are committed to supporting the development of sustainable livelihoods through regenerative agriculture and other initiatives, while also implementing an improved environmental education strategy to increase local, national, and international awareness on the conservation of these species.
Your donation can make a real impact on the future of these magnificent creatures and the ecosystems they depend on. Join us in our mission to protect and preserve our great apes for generations to come.
Program outputs since 2004 include the creation and management of Tofala Hill Wildlife Sanctuary (THWS), the establishment of several Community Forests in the Tofala-Mone Rainforest Corridor as well as training and equipment of Government and Community Rangers to protect great apes and other wildlife.
The program also supports the implementation of sustainable livelihoods and economic development initiatives, the development of a rural financial mobilization scheme known as the forest protection fund, and reorganization of the rural marketing framework, known as the Lower Mundani Farmers Cooperative Society, around the Tofala Hill Wildlife Sanctuary. Environmental education and awareness raising is a crucial element of this work.
Major project successes:
- Designation of a new system of proposed protected areas with the production of the conservation map of the Lebialem Highlands;
- Establishment of a bio-monitoring system for gorillas and chimpanzees in 3 key sites – Mak/Betchou forest (proposed Ellioti Chimpanzee Sanctuary), Tofala Hill Wildlife Sanctuary and Tofala-Mone Forest Corridor at Ashukem-Bokwa Hills with the introduction of camera traps;
- Creation and strengthening of community management structures around the newly estbalished Tofala Hill Wildlife Sanctuary;
- Launching of the biodiversity assessment and land-use assessment of the Lebialem-Mone Forest Landscape;
- Creation of Tofala Hill Wildlife Sanctuary;
- Launching of the Livelihoods and Economic Development initiative for the local communities;
- Establishment of a holistic environmental education program.
- Increased awareness and commitment of the state and general public to the process of long term management of these great apes.